Governor signs four Belmont home rule bills

Governor Deval Patrick has signed into law all four of the Belmont Home Rule petitions that were approved by last April’s Belmont Town Meeting. The first, Chapter 11 of the Acts of 2014, authorizes the state’s Commissioner of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to convey 15.6 acres of land at the old incinerator site on …

Boston Transportation Study Proposal

Senator Brownsberger, Representative Livingstone and Representative Rushing have been working with transportation officials to develop a study that would examine capacity constraints of the roadways and public transportation system in Boston.  Senator Brownsberger anticipates working with all of the members of the Boston delegation as this process moves forward.  The following proposal was submitted to …

Overview of the Governor’s Budget

Quite appropriately, Governor Patrick’s Fiscal 2015 budget continues and extends the priorities he has defined together with the legislature over the past 8 years.  It does not propose major new initiatives. Total proposed Fiscal 2015 budgetary spending is $36.4 billion — up $1.7 billion or 4.9% over projected Fiscal 2014 budgetary spending.  This growth is …

Understanding the Governor’s Budget Presentation

The Patrick Administration deserves great credit for its efforts to make its budget as transparent as possible.  Nonetheless, a 46 billion dollar spending program is intrinsically complex, so here are answers to a few questions that I found myself asking as I worked through the presentation. How big is the budget? The financial statement section shows proposed …