Couldn’t we improve the way legislation is written to make it more transparent?
Mass. Lawmakers To Debate Parole For Juveniles Convicted Of Murder
The Massachusetts House has approved a bill that would allow a parole review in such cases after a 20-to-30-year prison sentence. William Brownsberger, who is Senate chair of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary, joined WBUR’s Morning Edition to talk about what to expect from Tuesday’s deliberations.
Bill to Assist with Autism
From the Senate President’s office: the Senate on Tuesday unanimously passed a bill to expand treatment and support for individuals with autism or a developmental disability across the Commonwealth.
Sentencing Juveniles for Murder
The Senate has acted on Senate 2246, which is intended to respond to the Supreme Judicial Court’s decision in the Diatchenko case.
What’s with H.4185 (“an act relative to net metering and solar power”)?
As the session winds down, there is a lot of confusion in the solar energy market — major regulatory policies are in flux.
MBTA Pension Transparency: Update
I’ve had to change my approach to achieving transparency at the MBTA’s pension fund. It’s been a long struggle, but I think we now have an approach that is going to work.