Mary Mahony asks about Will’s position on legislation banning gestation crates and veal crates, and he replies about the importance–symbolic for the present and possibly significant for the future–of passing it.
Unaccompanied Children
Clearly, it’s a tragedy that so many children would be feel the need to run away from desperate home conditions to a strange land–but the surge of unaccompanied children raises deep concern, perhaps about our immigration policies, but more broadly about the stability of our hemisphere.
MayDay PAC
A link to Nayla Rathle’s guest commentary in the Belmont Citizen-Herald on MayDay PAC (an attempt to counter the corrupting influence of special-interest “superPACs”) and Will’s reactions on the issue at the state level.
Update on the Gun Bill
Yesterday, the Senate took up its version of the gun bill and moved it on to a conference committee with the House. The draft is about keeping guns out of the wrong hands and protecting against the harms of gun violence.
Community Health Grant Opportunity
Athena Health is offering grants for local health care improvements.
Senate Passes Bill to Reduce Gun Violence
From the Senate President’s office: the Senate on Thursday passed legislation to reduce the impact and prevalence of gun violence in Massachusetts, including stricter background checks, enhanced penalties, new gun-related crimes, increased protections in schools, and other provisions designed to overall ensure a safer Commonwealth.