The BU State House Program via the Brockton Sentinel & Enterprise report on the records sealing provisions of the Senate Criminal Justice Reform Package.
Advocates applaud softening of juvenile justice in Senate reform bill
The BU State House Program via the Lowell Sun reports on the juvenile justice reforms in the Senate Criminal Justice Reform Package.
Taking Sides on Timing of Sealing Criminal Records
The Worcester Telegram reports on provisions in the criminal justice reform bill related to the sealing of criminal records.
Lawmakers seek deal on noncompetes
The AP via the Boston Herald reports on the recent noncompete hearing.
Globe: A Mass. model for national criminal justice reform
Globe: “The state Senate passed a sweeping criminal justice reform package last week that could be a national model for preserving public safety while curbing some of the excesses of an overly punitive system.”
Justice bill passes in Senate
The Bay State Banner reports on the Senate’s criminal justice reform vote