Senator Brownsberger submitted the following letter to the Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means outlining his budget priorities for Fiscal Year 2019
Automated Enforcement of Speed Limits
Automated enforcement of speed limits and red lights could substantially reduce accidents. So far, we have not been willing to use the new technology in Massachusetts.
Progress on Airplane Noise Reduction
The Wall Street Journal describes an idea coming out of our local efforts to reduce airplane noise.
Back Bay/ Mass Ave Detour and Parking Restrictions
From MassDOT, see the flyer here which includes maps of the detour and parking restrictions. As part of the project to replace the City of Boston’s bridge that carries Massachusetts Avenue over Commonwealth Avenue, Massachusetts Avenue north and southbound will be closed to through vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic in the vicinity of the bridge between …
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Bay State weighs injection sites in opioid OD battle
Coverage of the 3/6 briefing on supervised injection facilities via the Boston Herald.
Experts: Supervised injection sites could save lives
The State House News Service reports on a legislative briefing on supervised injection facilities that took place on March 6, via the Salem News.