The Everett C. Benton Library Fall hours begin this week. Hours are Tuesdays, 10 am – 3 pm, Wednesdays and Thursdays 2 pm – 7 pm, the first Friday of the month, 6 – 9 pm and the third Saturday of the month, 12noon – 3 pm. The library will be open Saturday, September 24.
The recently started Benton Library Book Group will meet on Wednesday, October 5, 4 – 5 pm. The book selection is The Constant Gardener, by John Le Carre. Please feel free to join.
The Everett C. Benton library is a privately funded,independent lending library, located on Oakley and Old Middlesex, Belmont. If you haven’t visited the Benton already, come and see the historic building, get a library card and start using the Benton. More information can be found on our website at