Dangerous times

I’m hearing from a lot of people concerned about the upheaval in the federal government. They want to know what they can do. They want to know what I’m doing as an elected official.

The most alarming excesses—Trump’s lawless tests of the limits of executive power—are going to play out in the courts. The Republican-dominated Congress is not going to intervene with an inquiry, much less an edict. Nor is the federal Justice Department going to push back on the actions of the Trump administration. A critical leadership role therefore falls to the attorneys general of the states to initiate actions in federal court. Our Attorney General Andrea Campbell is among those pressing lawsuits that will ultimately end up in the Supreme Court. We may then find out whether the Trump administration will accept limits from the courts.

Another immediate flashpoint is immigration policy. My position has always been that immigration policy is a federal matter. The federal government decides who to let into the country. Once people are here in Massachusetts, it is morally right and generally in the public interest that we provide them with basic services. It is not the role of state or local law enforcement to enforce immigration policy any more than it is our role to enforce copyright policy or any other federal regulatory law. State and local involvement in immigration enforcement reduces community trust —and so our ability to fight crime. However, I do not think that state or local government can or should actively interfere with federal agents enforcing immigration law. My expectation is that federal immigration enforcement activity within Massachusetts will be limited due to resource constraints: The main changes will occur at the border—with the rate of new entrants declining.

The Trump administration has followed through on Trump the candidate’s promises to reverse decarbonization policies—cutting back on wind development and enhancing fossil fuel production. These changes do have an effect on the Commonwealth’s ability to achieve stated climate goals. We were already running behind these goals for a combination of reasons, but we are going to have to do some honest reassessment of what’s achievable as the extent of the administration’s actions become clearer.

I am confident that we will be able to protect in Massachusetts the personal civil liberties that we have gained over the past half century—access to contraception, the right to choose, freedom to love, freedom to marry, and freedom to parent. Although the Supreme Court of the United States is backing away from the idea that the U.S. constitution protects those freedoms, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has sent no such signal. And the Massachusetts state legislature has passed a series of laws to protect those freedoms demonstrating the strong consensus support for social freedoms in Massachusetts.

I find it unlikely—even with Republican control of the Presidency, the House, and the Senate—that the federal government will attempt to directly legislate against social freedoms. What is more likely is that they will use the power of the purse to attempt to limit access to health care services such as reproductive health or gender affirming care. As important as these services are, they are not big ticket items, so I am confident that Massachusetts will find a way to fill any gaps created by withdrawal of federal support. Another concern is that other states or the federal government will attempt to interfere with care for people who travel to Massachusetts. This is a prospect we’ve already addressed with legislation, but one that we will continue to closely monitor.

I am hopeful that the state will not face broader cuts in funding for housing, education, transportation, or the health care safety net. “Blue” states may make heavier use of available funding due to greater willingness to meet matching requirements for these investments. But all of the big-money programs are used throughout the country and I have some faith that even a Republican Congress will not go along with wholesale cuts. Instead, we are more likely to see smaller but significant policy adjustments, for example, the recent cut in overhead rates for federal health research grantees. Some of these may be resolved in the courts, some may require state legislative action to backfill. We will have to respond to these changes one at a time and do the best we can.

From early in his first candidacy, I have been concerned that the president is eroding norms of civility and respect in public discourse. It has only been getting worse. To my mind, the presidential order declaring that trans people do not exist may be the saddest example. Young trans people all too often face difficult transitions and struggle with depression and even suicidality. Whatever the direct consequences of the order, and I expect them to be limited, the official erasure of a vulnerable minority from public recognition does real harm. I think that one of the most important things people can do right now is to go way out of their way to support all those who are on the receiving end of presidential unkindness.

Despite the shock of the initially broad and rapid changes, I believe that America is much bigger than one or two or even a few billionaires. Without minimizing the real and immediate harms to many, or dismissing the possibility of even greater harms, I do believe we will find ourselves looking back on early 2025 as a turbulent low point, not the beginning of the end.

Published by Will Brownsberger

Will Brownsberger is State Senator from the Second Suffolk and Middlesex District.

126 replies on “Dangerous times”

  1. Thank you for your truly thoughtful post, and your continuing strength in support for your constituents, Will.

  2. Thank you, Will, for your always thoughtful and well reasoned statements. I look to you as an example of good government. I am aware how lucky we are to live in Massachusetts.

  3. Thank you for an encouraging perspective at a scary time. Reading your thoughts is very helpful

  4. I really appreciate your wisdom about the Trump administration. It has seemed like democracy in our country was drawing to an end. As a family member used to say, keep up the good work!” Thank you!

    1. Democracy is drawing to an end because your wide lost a vote and now have to comply with the results?

  5. I’m glad to get some reassurance from your words. I just hope it works out as you believe it will.

  6. Thank you so much for your note. I have been feeling extremely anxious about what is going on in Washington, DC and helpless. What can we do? I am going to try to be more supportive, kinder, and helpful to anyone in need — yes, that is a way to start. As a retiree, I will be looking for more volunteer opportunities to support our hospital (new BMC facility in Brighton), the elderly, and those wanting to learn English. Thank you, again!

    1. your concerns for the hospital are important and significant. Across the state hospitals have gone bankrupt; 3 are in my district #3 with Lori Trahan; the announcement that there will be many layoffs in the Boston Hospital should be a wake up call. I hope people don’t think all the problems are in gateway cities (such as where I liver). and I am concerned that people think they are “safe” in MA but that seems to be insulation of the privilege. But my argument is not with you as you are doing all you possibly can… I have written to Brownsberger before about his “cavalier” attitude and I see this again — “MA where I live is safe” I will tell my constiuents.

  7. Thank you for these thoughtful and clear-headed comments, Senator. All of these issues are important to me, but I particularly want to thank you for mentioning trans/nonbinary young people, whom I work with professionally as a public health researcher. As trans/nonbinary adults, we get good at navigating setbacks and letting derision roll off our backs, but young people are particularly vulnerable because they haven’t had as much life experience over which to develop those skills. I see a lot of fear among trans/nonbinary young people right now, some of it justified, and a sense of being abandoned by people and institutions who previously seemed to support them. People like you, who have the integrity to continue to stand up for these young people when it’s not the popular or necessarily the politically safest choice, make all the difference. I entirely agree with your comments about simply going out of our way to support trans/nonbinary young people and other vulnerable people right now, whether that’s in the public sphere or simply kind words to someone we know. We can and will get through this together!

    1. “I see a lot of fear among trans/nonbinary young people right now, some of it justified, and a sense of being abandoned by people and institutions who previously seemed to support them. ” I see what you are describing; with 2nd grade children (hispanic). they are showing fear — one student is spelling out words to me. “k i l l ” and. “d-i-e” and he said the teacher will kill the child… And in an older student that I tutor she has voiced suicidal ideation…. and it is under control now but the fear is great … I’m sure if people look in the schools they will find absent children — but perhaps not in the district the senator serves …. Has he asked any of the clinical or medical staff? We have an excellent person in our city who is transgender and working on safety factors so that is addressed somewhat… I hope people don’t turn away because they feel they are safe (in a little pocket of the state).

    2. Yes , young people are particularly vulnerable, as the growing army of detransitioners attest. Sexual mutilation of children is not supported by any science whatsoever, as its own advocates admitted, which is why ALL “progressive” European governments have done a complete about face on the issue. However, pharma and healthcare are big donors and democrats specialize in money grubbing with a sanctimonious expression on their faces. Gig is up.

      Just to be clear, removing voter comments on a legislator’s public website is not allowed by law.

  8. Will, you and your people should read Federal Code on illegal aliens.

    It’s very clear, and Massachusetts has been breaking that law constantly:

    1) https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title8-section1324&num=0&edition=prelim


    2) (iv) ENCOURAGES [like a “sanctuary city” I assume] or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law; …
    3) MOVES or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law; <- Gov. Healy and local authorities do this constantly.
    4) conceals, harbors, or SHIELDS from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation; <- Happens all the time in Massachusetts as illegal aliens are shielded by the authorities – knowingly so.

    1. I know, immigration is a volatile issue. However, as a former immigration attorney, it is very difficult to know who is an “illegal alien.” Even some American citizens do not know they are citizens. American citizens are not necessarily born in the United States, they don’t necessarily speak English the way I do. Then there are some who were born in the U.S., but have always lived in a different country with dual citizenship. They don’t realize they are U.S. citizens. Yes, it is a very complicated matter. Therefore, people who are working and participating and supporting our country might best be given the opportunity to explore how to remain here “legally.” Wouldn’t it be wonderful to help people who are contributing or whose lives are in danger in their home country (candidates for political asylum) to have a pathway to citizenship? What also disturbs me is that I fear we will end up deporting American citizens and people who face death in their home countries. Can that be right? A thoughtful procedure would be best developed to move ahead.

      1. Good points. Perhaps we could all use a broader education on these evolving laws and terminology. What exactly is indigenous for example. How does dual citizenship function generationally? When am I required to provide proof of citizenship and when is asking for proof a violation of my rights?

      2. They might best be given the boot and that’s what has been decided. This emo toxic empathy crap doesn’t work anymore.

        1. You’re right. There should be no empathy, concern or compassion in this world. Get the hell out of our country unless you have approval from the Right. Be an oligarch, be a buddy of Putin, don’t be from a sh*thole country. We have standards here!

  9. Are there any proactive, as opposed to reactive, approaches that state government can attempt? So far, Project 2025 is the plan, maybe take a deep dive and start to develop a response. It may still be defensive, but at least will be ready.

    1. thank you for your attention to project 2025 and the current implementation. The state legislature should be PREPARED… it’s not as if there were no history for this kind of constitutional crisis.

  10. Senator
    Very good and thoughtful read. But I fear I cannot join in your views at the end of the piece. The wreckage created during and at the end of Trump’s current term will haunt my granddaughter’s generation and beyond. I hope I’m wrong and your optimism is prescient.

    1. thank you for considering the grandchildren. My sisters now have great-grandchildren and I am worried for all of them as well as the children I see in school programs

      1. My family is spread out across the globe and my fears have grown exponentially for the generations now and to come. Faith is my only constant now. Thank God for the freedom of religion we all share.

      2. You should worry they can’t read and their government is going bankrupt, not that they will be denied the company of serial rapists discharged from foreign prisons.

  11. Maybe let’s get Democrats back in the driver’s seat of the Democratic Party and let the Socialists play elsewhere. How’s this working out for us?

    1. P.s., Who walked us in to these dangerous times? Corporate shills like the Clintons and the Obamas and associated acts surely did the most to point us in this direction and take the winds out of our Democratic sails. Surely the open borders brought the darkness closer with its cheap political profits while the peril was heaped on migrants living on a lie fed to them and living on borrowed time with the law held in abeyance. And, the unconstitutional laws signed in the White House building a house of cards that is about to crash on the Dreamers and others. It is all these things and the far leftward push that ruptured the system and brought the darkness. It can only be introspection that starts to correct it. That and Democrats becoming unenrolled to help moderate Republicans.

      1. Wow, an alternate universe! What an imagination! Let’s start with Reagan’s policies instead. Let’s think about all the Republican deregulation that began then, taking money and power from the middle and lower classes and giving it to the one percent.

        1. You are not wrong, yet as the band plays on my Democratic leadership just smiles and taps their toes. We are a Party divided and the oligarchs are happy for the Sander Socialists to be the be the wedge and the thorn in our side for the decades it will take to get the Party on track.

  12. US debt. 36 trillion

    Per citizen 107,182. Per taxpayer 323,046 If you’re mad at Elon and Trump proving politicians are stealing our tax money, you are a special kind of stupid. And from the comments above prove my point

    1. If Musk, Bezos and the rest of the one percent paid their fair share of taxes, none of the above would be the case.

      1. Ah, that “fair share” again. They pay everything that is required by law. Anything above that is called expropriation. And I can clearly see that it is what you mean by “fair share”.
        And then we have a government that flushes our taxes down the toilet on their pet projects and feeds the army of parasites along the way.

      2. Have you ever worked for a poor man? I know you probably don’t watch the real news but the out of control spending and kickbacks they are finding are beyond belief and criminal. Stay tuned

  13. Thanks Will for your analysis as I agree with much of what you have said. Immigrants will live in fear even if they are legal residents. Loss of any population means jobs go unfilled, many that no one else will do, and purchasing power leaves as well with businesses losing business. Tariffs will increase costs and inflation will get worse. Climate will continue to get worse and prejudice against many groups will go unchecked. A sad state for our country but it will unite and inspire many to change course and return the country to a better place. Everyone needs to work to let this be the last time a person with no morals, no manners, a true bully can convince the public that the terrible things he plans to do are somehow good for the country. Wake up America!!

  14. Thanks, Will. I am not comfortable with the EO actions and the intent of project 2025 running the white house by order of illegally appointed Musk and twice impeached convicted felon Trump . No consequences, no justice.

      1. No, they EARNED and were promoted to their roles by working for Decades in our complicated system that ranges from border security to viral security for all. AIDS, for instance, WAS a death sentence. Today it is not. People come to the US for safety from Cartels, Oppressive governments and poverty , safety for their families – not to steal our resources. My great grandparents came from Poland/Ukraine and were welcomed here and they worked hard to assimilate. .
        “Give me your tired, your poor,
        Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
        The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
        Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
        I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
        We have systems and processes – dtrump is DISMANTLING them without HIS own oversight (People do stuff, they tell him and he either approves or doesn’t – this is exactly how the apprentice worked) and illegally at that..

        1. Let’s all hope that Dr. Fauci will face justice for what he did creating dangerous pathogens. He has a long history going back to the AIDS crisis, torturing animals, etc. Watch the the movie The Dallas Buyers Club. The bad guy in the movie was based on Dr. Fauci.

        2. My guess you’re against Trump sending back gang members, murders, pedofiles that came here from South America after they were let out of prison. If we had real border security, not the last four years version, this would have never happened. Fauci may go to prison for what he has done. It’s all coming out

        3. I guess you can’t ask your great-grandparents what kind of free hotel room they got on arrival, what kind of free health insurance they got, and how much money they received from the ever-generous government.
          But I can tell you.
          They got nothing. Yes, they worked hard to survive in the new world. They worked hard to assimilate They created this country. They created this life for you.
          Wonderful fact: so are many LEGAL immigrants to this day. Not like the hoards who come here and immediately start parasitizing the social programs and generous giveaways.

          And don’t start on Fauci. He was not a real doctor or a scientist. At least, not since he joined the governmental office. He got it all wrong about AIDS, but people forgot that.
          In the end, he was just a bureaucratic rat in the survival mode. And excelled at that.

        4. I’m sure the Right will find some way of re-interpreting the whole “Give me your tired…” thing to the point where it should be removed from our lands, probably claim our founding fathers never meant it literally anyways.
          Best to assume any immigrant, “legal” or otherwise is a rapist, thief, drug pusher, murderer etc.
          Or something.

  15. Too much change all at once will destabilize not just democracy, but the global economy. A vandal allowed to run amok through congressionally-funded Federal agencies — with policies patterned after Twitter’s layoffs of 2022 — will toss people out of the workforce in huge numbers, with ricochet effects on all the local, national and international agencies that have long been receiving steady funding up until now. There’s even concern about whether the Social Security trust fund could be tampered with.

    A strong response must be quickly implemented to prevent Great Depression 2.0, or the emergence of an oligarchy in control of all American products and services.

  16. For those who think that Massachusetts is exempt from obeying Federal immigration law, wait for the lawsuits:
    >> https://www.cbsnews.com/news/attorney-general-pam-bondi-immigration-enforcement/
    >> https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/12/trump-new-york-sanctuary-immigration-lawsuit-00203976
    Will says “It is not the role of state or local law enforcement to enforce immigration policy.”
    Will is being disingenuous when he says that, and he knows it.
    The Federal government is not asking states to “enforce immigration policy.”
    But states must not harbor, encourage or move illegal aliens, which is what many states are doing.
    When states or persons do that, they break Federal law, which is quite clear if anyone cares to read it, which hardly anyone does:

  17. Elizabeth Warren salary. $285K. Net worth $67M.

    Wants to stop YOU from finding out where your money goes

    1. What utter nonsense! Elizabeth Warren has done more for the average consumer than anyone I can think of. Ralph’s post is little more than a mindless attack without a shred of supporting evidence or explanation. A prime example of the sort of thinking that got us into this mess.

      1. Some say 12 million to 83 million, even at 12 how does anyone have that on a Senators salary. She just voted along with the rest of the sick party against the Laken Riley Act. She really cares about her constituents

  18. Will, you don’t mention Trump’s racist actions to eliminate DEI throughout the federal government as well as from universities and public and private employers. I hope the legislature will take action to defend the fundamental purpose of DEI to balance the scales of equity and opportunity. There is much that can be done to minimize the damage from Washington.

      1. DEI is an attempt to eliminate long-standing racism in the workplace. Its opponents shaping the dialogue in the last election came up with the tactic of calling DEI itself racism. They were clever. It gives a lot of people comfort, especially those who don’t like to think of themselves as racists. So the fight goes on.

        1. I have lost jobs due to my whiteness and maleness. Don’t tell me it’s not discriminatory. I jerks who came up with this DEI, at least at the higher levels, are just trying to create division. Very bad people. Lower levels are just brainwashed.

        2. I agree with the meme: If you are against DEI you should say its name fully, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and then say which part of this you are against.

  19. Thanks Will,
    I have a thought and a question. The federal government enforces some laws upon the states by controlling some of the funds pertaining to the federal laws if not adopted/enforced by the state. For similar enforcement tactics, can the state send less money to the federal government if they reduce funds for social services to individuals that the state now has to provide? After all, this what the Republicans want, give more control power to the states.

  20. Thank you for offering perspective and calm, senator! Your welcome reminder of the achievements of the past decades, our power and responsibility as citizens of the Commonwealth to shape the conditions in our state, and beyond. Your call to support and comfort those afflicted by cruelty of recent political intimidation and fits of executive orders. This is much appreciated. Your words are inspiration and encouragement to reflect what we can and must do individually and in collaboration to resist and oppose the attempt to concentrate power in the office of the presidency. To stand up peacefully for our values – that we all belong, regardless of gender, race, economic status, or political persuasion.

    The courts are important. I want to do more, however, than watch judicial proceedings. Judges, just like other human beings, are subject to encouragement and to intimidation. Demonstrations are important, and non-violent demonstrations are a powerful and inspirational force, encouragement against regression. I am beginning to look for guidance, when and where to show up and speak up.

    Thank you for acknowledging that many constituents have contacted you with concerns! No need to worry alone. With each other, we are strong.

  21. Thanks for your thoughtful analysis of the current situation, Senator. The threat to research posed by health, climate and social science data disappearing from government websites is serious, as is the sudden change in NIH research funding support, which affects one of Massachusetts’ most important industries and many of our educational institutions. One can only hope that some of these abrupt changes will be rolled back.

  22. I am extremely disappointed at the tepid response I read in your statement.
    We are in a 10 alarm fire being lit by professional criminals who have got their hands on all the tools to dismantle democracy and the rules of law. These people are liars and cheats who have declared war on all of us who are not ultra wealthy and still believe in democracy.
    Hitler has been elected president and he has a whole teem of psycho’s to do his bidding.
    He has announced that we will not have to vote anymore so you know that’s another thing he will be dismantling. I believe he somehow cheated the election with the help of Enron Musk and the replacement of key election officials in key states.
    We have lost the independence of the military, FBI, CIA, OMB, SCOTUS and so many others. There is no longer checks and balance.
    I am not exaggerating when I say this is a 10 alarm fire! Everyone needs to think and speak Bold Bold Bold!
    We need a rebellion force to fight this tyranny or we will soon become Russia 2.0
    Certainly we can learn from other situations on how to more effectively fight back. Stop giving any business to the big monopolies like Fakebook, Amazon, Tesla etc.. Boycott any and everything Israeli, Russian etc.
    We need to fight on every level and every front. THESE PEOPLE HAVE DECLARED WAR ON US! and we keep pretending it’s going to be OK.

    1. I have to agree with David. I appreciate Will’s measured and a practical thoughts on the current threats to our country, state, individual rights, constitution, economy and world stability by the Trump administration. I hope Will’s right when he says this will be viewed as “a turbulent low point, not the beginning of the end”. I’m not so sure. In our 250 history of this country, we have never seen an autocratic president ignore the rule of law, a complicit Congress, a conservative SCOTUS (stacked by Trump), and oligarchs assault our republic. I consider myself an Independent voter (48% of all voters do and is, by far, the largest group compared to 28% Dems, and 28% Reps), and I have never felt compelled to protest… until now. As David says: “We are in a 10 alarm fire” and we’re acting as if this will pass. By the time we wait for this to pass, it will be too late. It’s time for vocal and active protests to the excesses of the Trump administration. I would like to see our moderate Democratic legislators step up in defiance and help lead the charge to rally the electorate to protect democracy.

  23. Thank you for your comments, Mr. Brownsberger.
    As a worker, I do not need cheap childcare, house cleaning, auto care, restaurants, yard work, blow jobs, or juvenile sex partners. As a worker, I do need fair wages, safe working conditions, and a seat on the bus–none of which I can attain as long as I have to compete with (and pay for) the new slave class that Massachusetts elites need to maintain their lifestyle illusions.
    I am sickened by the exploitation of IAs by the privileged classes whose economic model relies on a steady stream of vulnerable people.
    I am appalled that the Commonwealth uses my tax dollars to defend persons under order of deportation who have already exhausted all legal proceedings but refuse to leave, and floats billion-dollar bonds (again, my dollars and the dollars of my descendants) who are detained entering illegally but when caught suddenly become asylum seekers/refugees.
    I support the deportation of illegal aliens and criminal immigrants of any status.

    1. Do you eat food? Do you live in a house? Do you shop at Walmart or Target? Immigrant workers, some of whom have papers and some of whom don’t, do the majority of farm work in the US, are employed by cleaning crews that maintain big box stores after hours, work in slaughterhouses, and work in construction. There are at least 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US, and millions more with documentation. Hate the privileged class as much as you like, but until you are completely self sufficient, you are a part of the economy that exploits immigrants.



  24. Senator Brownsberger,

    Thank you for addressing our concerns. What are your thoughts regarding cuts to Medicaid & “traditional” Medicare, (i.e. not Medicare Advantage plans)?

  25. I agree with you Barbara.

    Also, the Senate leadership, of which Will is a part, will not even comply with the voter’s request for full transparency by auditing of the state legislature. That’s one of the issues the Trump team is currently working on right now on the Federal level. I’m the executive has every right to do that. The hypocrisy from the left about the Trump team’s actions being “fascist” is gaslighting on steroids . The Trump administration has the right to work on finding wast e in our government, which is what the Massachusetts state Senate and legislature refuse to allow. We need an open audit of the books both on the federal level and the state level.

    Lastly, Pam Bondi is suing the AG and Governor of the stat of New York. She’ll be filing a lot more lawsuits. I’m sure the state legislators in Massachusetts are following those lawsuits carefully. Will be interesting to see if they adhere to court orders. The liberals in the state of Massachusetts claim they are so concerned they claim that Trump will not adhere to court orders while those same legislatures refuse to adhere to the will of the people to get an honest look at the state legislatures finances. And the checks and balances Will says are missing in the federal government are definitely missing in Massachusetts. It’s a one-party state. One that had no problem with unelected bureaucrats like Fauci mandating toxic injections for a pandemic that did not stop transmission or infection. No wonder Biden gave him a preemptive pardon before leaving office. His actions on the Democrats on Democratic support of them are a crime against humanity.

    1. Well said. The hypocrisy of Sen. Brownsberger is glaring. He is part of the leadership team that is blocking the recent referendum on auditing the state legislature. It could not be more obvious they are trying to hide things from the people. I am hoping that with the de-funding of agencies like USAID we will choke off the funding for a lot of the evil. I found it very interesting all of the billions of dollars going from USAID to propaganda legacy media outlets. All to control the narrative and keep people living in a false reality. Not to mention USAID’s funding of the NGO Ecohealth and Univ of NC Chapel Hill, which funded the lab in Wuhan. Truly shocking. We need the truth no matter how painful.

      1. There are several legitimate reasons to thank the Senator, but the effusive ring-kissing here thanking him for the failed positions of the derailed Democratic Party is tragically farcical.

      2. Mark, the abrupt cut-off of USAID funding to prevent starvation and the spread of disease in desperate countries will result in the deaths of tens of thousands of children, mothers and fathers, if not more. You may have a problem with some of their programs, but at the core, they are purely and effectively humanitarian. Isn’t that the American way?

        1. You obviously have not looked to deeply into this issue or only get your news from propaganda outlets such as NPR.. The U.S Agency for International Development has been a front group of intel services to infiltrate governments all over the World, including funding impeachment efforts of Trump and BLM riots here at home. They have very very little to do with feeding starving children. Any such efforts like sending food abroad could be handled by any number of agencies like State Dept, etc. Most of the money is just robbing poor people in this country to give to rich corrupt people in foreign countries. They did a mind trick calling it USAID…used to be called just USID.

            1. Mark, you have learned the Trump talking points quite well. But you have been lied to. I’ve personally seen vital USAID programs work in the field. My daughter has worked at USAID for many years. Her daughter did too. Through their work they have helped a lot of desperate people.

          1. Yes, you should get your propaganda from the proper sources, Fox “News”, OAN and Newsmax. Only the Right is right and knows best.
            Or something.

  26. The moribund Democratic Party in both the House and Senate should be urging their colleagues and constituents all the way down the line to local reps and block captains that we need to organize and occupy Washington DC en masse. Trump will call out his goon squad and there will likely be violence but I feel solidarity and protest in the heart of government is necessary. We’ve seen what relying on the courts results in: nothing but delay and injustice. We should be chartering buses and planes and all transport to DC and those so-called liberals with $$$ should get together and make it happen. We may not get a second chance at this. Trump will not allow the midterms to happen in the normal way we expect them to.

  27. Thank you, Will, as always, for your
    thoughtful, reasoned, compassionate response regarding the multiple crises precipitated by the current administration, which severely threaten our democracy, and, in fact, the global world order. Lawless, inhumane, destructive, unconstitutional behavior emanating from the current White House and its acolytes threatens our national security, economic well-being, public education and arts funding, our own health resources and those we have offered to ameliorate the suffering in other
    nations – all under fire in this scenario.
    Your fair, cogent, informed analysis is much appreciated.

  28. Thank you Will. Your insight is always so welcome. We always need voices like yours but especially during this very difficult time in our country.

  29. Thank you for your compassion and reason in the face of everything. I am grateful for your engagement with your constituents and hope it will continue. I support MA in taking bold action to counter Trump’s white supremacist, patriarchal myths; erosion of financial protections that worsen income inequality; undermining of institutions (such as the courts and elections); undermining of healthcare and science; undermining of reliable news; undermining of education; and undermining of public discourse. I do not believe this is a wait and see situation, but rather a time we will need to be proactive, brave, and unwavering. I think MA has some obvious opportunities to do this, including: improving the trust in our state government by increasing transparency and effectiveness of our legislative bodies; strengthening our healthcare system by expanding MassHealth to be open to all residents and ensuring its reimbursements adequately support access to services; strengthening our public school system by passing thoughtful graduation requirements; and continuing to protect our most vulnerable residents in ways that lifts them out of poverty and allows them to contribute fully to their families and communities.

  30. Thank you for these thoughts. My biggest fear is that Trump will simply ignore the will and rulings of any court and, as he seems to do, rule by edict. Our country will not survive that.

  31. I have not been more excited for an incoming administration in my life. Finally, we have a President and cabinet who will stand up to the tyrants that have been ruling over us. I feel the multiple attempts to impeach, bankrupt, imprison and assassinate President Trump have emboldened him to confront the thugs in the Democratic party. Rule by deep state bureaucrats, shadowing NGOs and Intel agencies is over. Let’s all stop fear mongering and welcome the new Golden age..

  32. Thanks, Will, for your thoughts from the perspective of the legislator. As for citizens, I would recommend activism, such as participation in marches, writing letters to newspapers and magazines on both the left and right, and joining honest groups that are willing to do battle despite some risk. More activism is called for here.

  33. Will: Thanks so much for this reasoned, candid, legally informed statement about where we stand, acknowledging dangers and threading the needle to a some degree of hope.

  34. Thank you Senator, this is comforting. I am a mother of three sons with disabilities, specifically Autism, and one who is now an adult. I also have an adult daughter that is a teacher, and I teach as well. The issues of special education, immigration for students, gender, and all the other issues that you have touched on with housing, etc., is very close to home for us. Please keep us updated as we navigate these turbulent waters.

  35. Dear senator Brownsberger,
    I am an independent voter and don’t worship any political party. I cast my vote for whomever I believe is good for my state and country.
    On the issue of immigration there’s a huge difference between legal and illegal immigration. Most of of us are the offsprings of legal immigrants. My great grand father and my paternal grandfather were the first legal immigrants of my family to this wonderful country. No one gave them any freebies, unfortunately they had NO BENEFOTS at all. They worked hard sun to sun on the coal mines and railroads building the country without complaining. Why should we protect, house, feed and provide the best medical care to people who broke our laws coming here illegally while citizens of this country suffer to make ends meet in their every day life?
    Another issue is the failed so called great green energy that wasted billions of taxpayers money. I’m all for it BUT develop it first and then brain wash the naive people. Today in Massachusetts we pay some of the highest energy premiums in the country, thanks to the failed great green energy. Massachusetts shut down its two nuclear power plans and if I’m not mistaken all coal fired power plans resulting to transport most of our energy out of state and we end up paying almost triple the rate money that other states pay. Did any of your colleagues protest that?
    As far as the DOGE program that the new president created,Whith part of it is any unjustified or an illegal issue so far?
    Is eliminating billions of wasteful government spending a bad thing?
    Is cutting American tax dollars to terrorise organisations or sending them “condoms” or providing sex change operations or birth control etc such as bad thing?
    I absolutely don’t have any problem sending them humanitarian aid but don’t go beyond that.
    We do pay plenty of taxes and I’d rather see my tax money going to support my Country, my State, my Community and then only friends and not foes of USA
    Chris I

    1. Well said…somehow they just think all the billions of dollars in fraud, waste and abuse DOGE is uncovering is no big deal. Maybe because so many are feeding at the trough.

  36. Thank you Will, for sharing your thoughts. I’d be interested to learn more on the topic of what exact actions regular citizens can do to protect USA’s democratic institutions, here in MA and on the federal level.

  37. A thought about Trump Admin and relying on Canada for our electricity. I think that given what Trump is doing with our relationship with Canada, and climate change it is more important than ever for MA to move forward with off shore wind power, under local control. It is unfortunate that the private financing of the current projects is not working out. I believe the State should find a way to take a stake and provide some of the necessary financing. Every dollar of energy from a local wind project, is not a dollar going to Texas for fossil fuel, or Wall Street as profits to parties unknown. Our money will stay here. If the state has a stake in the project, it will earn income for our citizens, and provide Massachusetts with needed clean energy. After the project is built, and if it becomes necessary, the state will have something of value it could sell so the money used to create the wind power could be recovered. But hopefully the value will be in keeping and running the wind power project.

  38. Thank you, Will, for your fact-based explanation of our current events. We the people must do what we lawfully can to stand up to the current oppression. It’s reassuring to know that we have rational elected officials like yourself.

  39. I agree with all who appreciated your thoughts. It helps to identify the issues and concerns. I am opposed, as I suppose many responders are, to tax cuts for high-income citizens; the unelected Musk making policy decisions, and having access to so much confidential information, his rude behavior, firing working citizens of the government, closing agencies, etc.; and a President who is vindictive, seeks revenge, has a mean personality, and gets away with almost anything. I wonder if any of us knows what is going on as the closing and firings go on. Also, foreign policy decisions that are outrageous . I know people are paying attention and legal work is being done. Thank you for your message and work.

  40. Thank you Will for your thoughts on what is happening in the US today – with the current leadership of Musk and Trump – and such disrespect for all of us and what has been built up as processes to follow in this country.
    I am outraged at the dismantling of USAID – the retiring of so many Federal Workers – and hopefully they will get their pensions and buy out -??? I am shocked at the talk of the new Gaza Resort – and of course the latest with Ukraine – mostly though – it’s the disregard for our heritage – our years and years of helping others coming to this country and not only survive but thrive- and very sad to see all our Allies watching this ! Know we can struggle along – good people do what’s best to help others – folks get fed and help with housing and jobs – this is America and this is what we do – the day to day – the caretaking – that’s democracy and why our ancestors came here – so thank you so much for keeping at it !!
    What is most outrageous is the disrespect and disregard for the laws that have been put in place to protect us – we are not against the new look at everything – we are against – the ” I run this country along ” No you don’t !!! We are so blessed to have you Will !!! Ann

  41. “However, I do not think that state or local government can or should actively interfere with federal agents enforcing immigration law.”

    Will, are you willing to call out the state judges who released dangerous criminals back into society instead of handing them over to ICE. The owner of Crazy Buzzy’s sub shop in Lynn was murdered by an illegal alien who was released by a judge instead of being deported.

    You may say that you don’t want to interfere in the Feds enforcing immigration law but I haven’t heard you or anyone else in the Legislature decry when ICE detainers are not honored.

    Also, where’s our audit? What are you guys hiding?

  42. Thanks, Will, for your steady, thoughtful and not overly long comments. I am looking for ways to be constructive up north here, and admit to some anxiety. I want to say four things that may be useful in this ongoing discussion.
    1. I have known you and your parents for seventy five years and believe you and them to be honest, ethical, joyous people who work diligently for the benefit of other people.
    people who work for the benefit of other people.
    2. I am concerned about the status of health care research. There may be places where cuts could be made,
    but with a scalpel not a sledgehammer.
    3. Respect for truth and respect for the pursuit of it are central to my soul.
    4. Peopls are imperfect.

  43. Will, please explain why you started this post with a factual lie? Trump has repeated they will fully comply with court orders and guess what, they just won the latest court battle. So why the need to lie and pretend he is not complying with court orders? This isn’t a matter of opinion. You are lying. Period. My only question is why.

  44. Report by Bill Melugin about those that rape your children in Massachusetts:
    “I’ve covered a lot of illegal immigration related stories around the country in recent years. Massachusetts is the only state that frequently releases illegal aliens charged w/ aggravated child rape & refuses to cooperate w/ ICE on detainer requests for them. Even in other sanctuary states & cities, I almost never see a lack of cooperation for child rape.”

  45. More CRIME by illegal aliens for you people:
    1) Illegal alien arrested with raping a minors, Will:
    2) Assault on a disabled person by an illegal:
    3) Migrant shelter man charged with impregnating his teen daughter:
    Thank goodness, Will, that so many of your constituents live in safe places like Belmont.

  46. “Once people are here in Massachusetts, it is morally right and generally in the public interest that we provide them with basic services.” That is certainly debatable. Open borders was as profound cruel as it was cynically greedy politically.

    “ …and I have some faith that even a Republican Congress will not go along with wholesale cuts. Instead, we are more likely to see smaller…” What’s the fuss then? Why all the hysterics in the media?

    “ To my mind, the presidential order declaring that trans people do not exist may be the saddest example. Young trans people all too often face difficult transitions and struggle with depression and even suicidality. Whatever the d…” 1) Adults should be telling children they are ok just as they are and not compound their complex by offering a procedure as a cure, a choice they’re “heroic” for making and stupid for refusing. It’s like an offer they can’t refuse. 2) The EO is wanting. The point of it is to combat the illiberal, anti-Western dogmatic activism whose proto-Socialistic bureaucratic tendrils are wrapped in the interstices of government and private firms and the culture.

    And, yeah the Feds had better keep their hand off of people marrying whom they wish.

    1. P.s., I’m glad that morality weighs in to some political decisions. Where was morality when pols signed the wrist slap Settlement? Where was morality in having the State prey on our weakest citizens with a state lottery? Where was morality in the State aiding and abetting legalized gambling?

        1. P.p.s., Where is the morality in using housing pressure to hold the issue hostage with only one solution of a scheme of requiring x% affordable units amongst their luxury flats and condos to allow gentrifiers and developers to run amok with our historic towns and cities which will only balloon local inflation and make life all the more unaffordable for almost everyone?

  47. First, Senator, thank-you and the rest of the MA Legislature, Governor Healy and all hard-working local officials for doing whatever you can to stand up to the lawlessness now pervading the Executive branch in Washington. I know everyone is not always in agreement with all the decisions state government makes or on every penny spent. But I believe that, overall, Massachusetts government works fairly well for most citizens.

    If you (non-MAGAs) are as concerned as you say you are, stop sitting on your behinds and start DOING something. Time to work for good, logical candidates of any party (like Will) all around the country. Contribute money to campaigns on ActBlue. Respond forcefully to illogical, misleading, and false claims in each and every forum. And fight back against all the MAGA lies.

    For the MAGA respondents on this forum – sorry, but you’ve been had. I’ve worked in many industries over the years including healthcare, finance, and compliance. Unlike Trump, I have an MBA that I actually worked for by attending every one of the 19 classes I had to take (and that was after B.S. and an M.S. degrees in technical subjects.) I can tell you that just arbitrarily firing people, removing Inspectors General, waving a magic marker to impose tariffs is NOT the way to run a country. Governance requires some thought and deliberation. Unfortunately, you may find that the very services you would ordinarily depend on in a time of need, might no longer exist by the time President Musk is finished.

    I think it will take a long, long time to repair what Trump and his crowd have done over the past 8 years and what they will do in the next four. But it CAN be corrected and I urge people not to lose hope.

  48. Will I am truly sorry to have to say this, I remember 4 years ago you told us Joe Biden will unite the country that turned out to be a joke.
    Today you are telling us these are dangerous times. Did we live in fantasy land for the last 4 years? Have we forgotten the doomsday clock. The only danger is to the masters of greed who have controlled both political parties for too long. Who have exploited the goodwill of the American people. Thanks to Elon Musk the truth will be told.
    Remember the only place of honor in Washington D.C. is in Arlington National Cemetery. As a war veteran who believes in God, Family and Country I have had enough hypocrisy from self-serving con artists in D.C. The best thing we all can do is stop listening to panic peddlers.

    1. Joe Biden was a demented corrupt sick man. He was incredibly divisive. Mandating toxic injections or you cannot work is pretty authoritarian stuff. I’ll remind you, Senator Brownsberger was in full support of those unconstitutional mandates. He supported Mayor Wu’s “B-Together” program which instituted vaccine passport checks in order to go into a restaurant or any public venue in Boston. Sickening how their is no accountability or self reflection for this tyrannical period of time we’ve been thru in the past few years.

  49. Thanks Will
    If we are going to turn the ship of state back onto a course of fairness and justice for all, we will need to develop a strategy to combat the Orwellian firehose of misinfornation and disinformation that persuaded half of the country self-centered crook could somehow improve their lives. Winning the Info wars and exposing how poorly most citizens’interests will be served over the next two years will be essential to taking back the house and Senate in 2026.

    1. Too bad they are cutting off the Govt funding to the legacy media ecosystem. Will be that much harder to control what people think.

  50. Thanks Will,
    I appreciate the analysis and the hope (and call for resistance) you wove into it. It is something we all need right now.
    The arc of the moral universe took a little hit. From an orange twit. We shall overcome.
    Back to the trenches.
    Peace to you and yours,

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