Special Commission on Commonwealth’s Disability Retirement System Files Final Report

The Special Commission on the Commonwealth’s Disability Retirement System filed its final report yesterday. Senator Brownsberger and Representative John Scibak chaired the Commission, which has met regularly since September. The Commission held hearings to seek the public’s feedback in October and has considered proposals to improve the system since then. The report includes recommendations of the Commission and data analysis conducted by …

Special Commission on the Commonwealth’s Disability Retirement System to Discuss Proposals for Reform

The Special Commission on the Commonwealth’s Disability Retirement System, which Senator Brownsberger co-chairs, will be brainstorming and discussing proposals for reform at its meeting on Wednesday, March 27, 2013. This meeting is open to the public and will take place at 1 p.m. in Room 157 of the State House.  We invite you to share …

Election Law Reforms

I’ve recently received a number of emails urging me to sign on to legislation related to election Law reforms. The list appears below. My biggest concern is to avoid the long lines which occurred at the last Presidential election and I’ve cosponsored the Murray/Straus early voting bill. I will also cosponsor the Finegold package which …

Off Topic – What makes us "Happy" – A formula for good government…

Interesting article on the happiest (aka most prosperous) countries in the world (http://travel.yahoo.com/ideas/world-s-happiest-countries-233204795.html) ———————————————————————– “…Indeed, most of the top 20 ‘happiest’ countries according to the index are in western Europe. So what gives? What do these nations have in common that can somehow explain their prosperity? Being an electoral democracy is virtually a given. Being …