Lobbying/Campaign Finance/Ethics/Open Meeting Reform Law of 2009

Did you serve on the 13-member Task Force On Public Integrity that made recommendations towards the important law, An Act to Improve the Laws Relating to Ethics and Lobbying? I’m trying to find someone with specific knowledge of the text concerning the Open Meeting Law — I think that an error may have been made …

Letter regarding process of government web site development

Senator Brownsberger passed on the ideas of a constituent for improving the process by whicvh government enters into contracts for web site development. December 9, 2013     John Letchford Chief Information Officer and    Assistant Secretary Administration & Finance 1 Ashburton Place, Room 804 Boston, MA 02108  Dear Mr. Letchford,  I have recently met …

Early Voting and other election reforms (H 3772)

I’m glad to see the House passed H 3772 (Early voting) and I hope the Senate works on passing it as well. It’s about time we made it easier for people to vote — we are way behind many other states in this area. Editors note, May 23, 2014: Please see this post for information …

Retiree Health Care Benefits

One of the critical issues before the Public Service Committee this year is retiree health care benefits. We recently held a hearing on the issue which Anne Landry has summarized — see below. I will be working closely with my colleagues to study the issue over the weeks to come. I welcome your thoughts and …

Citizens united against "Citizens United"

Dear Mr. Brownsberger, I just returned from voting for you. Climate change is my number one issue, and you are the number one candidate on climate change. Unfortunately it was not an easy vote, even though I know first hand, as a sub-contractor, that you put your money where your mouth is by upgrading your …