Local officials regulate dogs and kennels.

Because Belmont has been considering a new animal control law, I’ve been receiving some state law questions. State law vests authority for regulation of animals with local officials. General Laws, Chapter 140, sections 136A through 172 defines local authority over both kennels and individual dogs. Here are a few relevant sections. Section 136A defines terms, …

Off Topic – What makes us "Happy" – A formula for good government…

Interesting article on the happiest (aka most prosperous) countries in the world (http://travel.yahoo.com/ideas/world-s-happiest-countries-233204795.html) ———————————————————————– “…Indeed, most of the top 20 ‘happiest’ countries according to the index are in western Europe. So what gives? What do these nations have in common that can somehow explain their prosperity? Being an electoral democracy is virtually a given. Being …

Complex Systems and the cost of Simple Solutions

I often criticize people in politics, particularly on the left, of trying to solve tough problems through simplistic solutions. (Note to all, yes, I’m more of a conservative, but Will Brownsberger appeals to me as a “thinking Liberal” so these comments don’t apply to him, so Will, don’t take offense – in my dealings with …

Is the Governor’s Council Obsolete?

I’ve always wondered – why do we need a Governor’s Council? What duties do they perform that could not be covered by other existing bodies?  As far as I can tell: approval of gubernatorial appointments (including judges), prison pardons, and something about payments from the treasury. How much does this cost, in terms of salary, …

Eliminate Suffolk-only holidays

I saw today (boston.com) that the Senate voted to eliminate Evacuation Day and Bunker Hill Day holidays. I’ve lived here for more than 20 years and have been stumped why they still exist. We all know one is just an excuse for St Patrick’s Day partying by Boston people.  If you chopped out Patriots Day …