Hi Will … The bill passed recently preventing unions from collective bargaining on health plan design was sold by you and others on the basis that municipal managers needed the flexibility it offered in the face of rising health care costs, that benefits were unusually generous in some towns (e.g. $5 co-pays, very low premium …
Municipal Health Insurance
Perspective on Municipal Health Care Reforms
Some have found the conversation about municipal health care reform confusing. Here is a summary perspective.
Municipal Health Insurance Reform
The state budget approved today includes a new approach to health care negotiation for municipal employees. It streamlines today’s very cumbersome process while setting reasonable boundaries on the choices that municipal managers can make and assuring some sharing of savings with employees.
Group Insurance Commission Costs
One of the most important subjects in the conversation about municipal health care has been the risk of high out-of-pocket costs. The GIC has just released a study which sheds light on this issue.
healthcare vote
We send our elected representatives to the State House to make hard decisions. They are usually not popular with everyone. Representative Brownsberger has listened to all sides of this issue and made the best choice possible. Saying no is the hardest thing any of us has to do. Will, your experience in town government shows …
Played by the rules
Rep. Brownsberger, You said in the posting the Unions played by the rules but you have chosen to change them and that is not good faith bargaining. I read your posting that because you are a legislator, you can change the rules. As a union member who has negotiated contracts for my local, I played …