Earlier this month, my wife and I spent some time with her parents as they downsized out of their home of 46 years. Among their books, we came across a collection of future forecasts titled “Toward the Year 2018”.
Legislative News
commonwealth conversations, outlook, senate press releases, updates and analysis
79th Citizens’ Legislative Seminar – October 24th & 25th 2017
79th Citizens’ Legislative Seminar – An invitation to learn about the legislative process Senator Brownsberger is seeking nominees to participate in the 79th Citizens’ Legislative Seminar (CLS) to be held October 24 and October 25 at the State House in Boston. CLS is a semi-annual educational seminar geared towards adults of all ages interested in learning …
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My Communications Tools
As a legislator, I work hard to communicate with my constituents – to get feedback to represent you effectively and to give you information that you want. Here I’ll explain the key communications tools that I use, and solicit your feedback on any ways to improve my approach.
Citizens’ Legislative Seminar, Spring 2017
78th Citizens’ Legislative Seminar – An invitation to learn about the legislative process Senator Brownsberger is seeking nominees to participate in the 78th Citizens’ Legislative Seminar (CLS) to be held March 21 and March 22, 2017 at the State House in Boston. CLS is a semi-annual educational seminar geared towards adults of all ages interested in learning …
Continue reading “Citizens’ Legislative Seminar, Spring 2017”
Barbara Miranda
Barbara Miranda is retiring this week after a long career of service to people. Please take a minute to share a story or make a wish by commenting on this post.
What next after Tuesday?
We all need to process the events and that will take some time, but I’ll share some of the concerns that are at the top of my mind as a state legislator. I welcome your guidance now and at every stage of the process.