I think that Senate 304 and 305 are great ideas. I really do not see why publicly traded corporations should be involved in the political process in the current fashion. It is highly questionable. Update: Relevant 2015-2016 bills filed. Home > In the States > Massachusetts > Litigation and Lobbying > Legislation Legislation —2015 Legislative …
Legislative News
commonwealth conversations, outlook, senate press releases, updates and analysis
Citizens United decision
I firmly support Senate Resolution 772.
Citizens United
The current use of the Citizens United ruling is just plain wrong with the result of extensive negative campaigning and no accountability. I do not favor an amendment to solve this but a more carefully crafted approach is needed to eliminate or penalize such campaigning -Gene Record
Re: Citizens United
Will, thanks for the email. I believe we should go back to Austin and overturn Citizens. Corporations have distinct differences and are not people, though they can act like a person. For example, they do not vote. Sam Ellenport
Citizen’s United amendment
Dear Will, I searched the site but didn’t see your support for the Constitutional amendment resolution to overturn Citizen’s United. Just wanted to make sure you are supporting this and to be aware of the Judiciary committee vote. Is there any concern that this may not pass out of the committee? I have spoken with …
Notice of Discussion on Sentencing Reform
A discussion on Sentencing Reform will be held at the Watertown Library on Monday, March 12 at 7PM.