How Bad Is It?

First — an editorial comment that this thread contains some of the most insightful and well thought-out commentary, both pro and con. I’m reduced to “yeah…..what they said!”. Will – you are blessed/cursed with a well-educated, well-spoken electorate. My $.02 : I’d like to make sure we’re all aware of the magnitude of the gun …

Summarizing the Conversation through January 15

I’m very grateful to the dozens of people who have offered thoughts in this forum on gun violence. It is clear that at least one, and perhaps, several comprehensive anti-violence packages will be filed and considered in this legislative session. The thoughts expressed in this forum will help guide me through the continuing conversation. I’ve …

Securing Schools without Guns: Lots of options, lots of work to be done locally.

I am very happy that legislators are ready to take up the issue of gun control. No one needs the massacre-in-seconds capability provided by assault weapons and large magazines. There is simply no other use for these devices than killing as many people as possible as fast as possible. Until the general proliferation of these …

What can we do about gun violence in Massachusetts?

The conversation about gun violence has everyone’s attention as a result of the tragedy at Sandy Hook. A meeting last week in the State House members lounge drew well over 100 people, with a long waiting line out the door and down the hall (equaling those rare occasions when food is served). Natick representative David …