Pass the Child Centered Family Law Bill

Today more than ever with families forming in so many manners, we need to make clear, that in the absence of abuse, that kids benefit from both of their parents after their parents separation and divorces.  This goes for all types of families.  Married parents, unmarried parents and same sex parents with possible no biological …

Rehoming of Adopted Children

I’m seeking input on legislation pending before the Senate. What should the penalties be for people who bypass the legal adoption process and permanently place or receive children through online forums? The question comes up in the context of legislation to address the phenomenon of “rehoming” of adopted children. I’d really appreciate hearing reactions to this.

Massachusetts Alimony Reform 2011: Big Changes?

The matter of alimony is almost invariably a highly emotional and contentious issue for all parties involved, however the current state of Massachusetts alimony laws is rather antiquated and leaves much to be desired. A new bill currently making its way through the Massachusetts legislature with a large amount of momentum would radically reform these …