Minuteman FAQ

Minuteman FAQ: Why is there a referendum on September 20, 2016? The decision has been made by the Minuteman School Committee to construct a new building at a total cost of $144,922,478 million.  The Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) has committed to funding up to $44,139,213, the district must borrow the balance. Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 71, …

Letter to Chairman Dempsey re Reading Recovery

Senator Brownsberger joined other legislators in requesting funding in the FY15 budget for the Reading Recovery program. Honorable Brian Dempsey Chairman, House Committee on Ways & Means State House, Room 243 Boston, MA 02133   March 31, 2014   RE: Line item 7030-1005 Reading Recovery  Dear Mr. Chairman:  It was very disheartening this fall to …

Grade Retention

Senator Brownsberger, I wanted to bring to your attention the alarming rates of grade retention in our Boston schools. I believe that there are multiple reasons why our Boston students are being held back, i.e. mental health disorders, ESL, adverse acculturation, special education, truancy, to name a few. Specifically, there are quite a few schools …