Mandatory minimum sentences for drug crimes are a hot button issue in the conversation about criminal justice reform. Here is an explanation of the issue and how we treat it in the final criminal justice reform package signed by the Governor on April 13, 2018.
Criminal Law
Final Criminal Justice Package Released
We reached final agreement and released today our criminal justice reform package.
Side-by-side of House and Senate Criminal Justice Reform Bills
Here is a side-by-side comparison of the House and Senate bills.
Section by Section Analysis of An Act relative to criminal justice reform
This post offers a searchable section-by-section analysis of an An Act relative to criminal justice reform.
Globe: A Mass. model for national criminal justice reform
Globe: “The state Senate passed a sweeping criminal justice reform package last week that could be a national model for preserving public safety while curbing some of the excesses of an overly punitive system.”
Criminal Justice Reform Package Clears Senate
Last night, the Senate approved our criminal justice reform package by a vote of 27-10 – a major milestone in an effort that goes back over 20 years for me.