Here is a notice from MassDOT on Bowker Overpass issues. MassDOT has been very responsive on noise issues, including banging from traffic plates. We will continue to engage with new issues as they develop.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
The FAA and Airplane Noise
I’ve attended briefings by FAA officials, visited the control tower at Logan Airport, and learned a great deal about what the FAA is doing to address noise control concerns.
“Know Your Zone” Hurricane Awareness Campaign
In the event that the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency issues a hurricane evacuation order, these are the evacuation zones within Will’s Senate district.
Computations in Airplane Noise Study
This post offers some background related to the conversation about airplane noise in Belmont and Watertown including some downloadable data.
This post is basically an exploration of the data. But it does yield a bottom line insight: flights departing from runway 33L are very concentrated over two narrow corridors in Belmont and Watertown, but spreading them out by as much as 1000 meters in either direction would not make a detectable difference in experienced noise levels.
2013-2014 Session Wrapup
It was a very productive legislative session. We did get a lot done, but weren’t able to reach some important issues.
The final compromise on firearms licensing rules
After two years of negotiations, the bill on the Governor’s desk has become a bill about improving gun safety–as opposed to a bill about taking away guns or making it harder to legally own guns.