As a legislator, I receive updates from the Department of Public Safety. These updates detail weather events and emergency response actions across the state. I’ve posted them here as they come in. Some are pasted in and some are just posted as links.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
The New Jim Crow
As Senate Chair of the state legislature’s Judiciary Committee, it is my top personal priority to lighten the footprint of the criminal justice system on communities of color. Even in Massachusetts, where I believe that most police leaders take an enlightened approach to community policing — certainly, our own police chief and District Attorney Ryan do — the New Jim Crow is a real problem.
Sex Offender Recidivism Commission
In 2013, the legislature created a commission to study “the most reliable protocols for assessing and managing the risk of recidivism of sex offenders.” Our goal is to make recommendations that will better protect the public from dangerous people, while being fair to offenders who pose little risk. The subject is difficult and emotional and we are trying to proceed in a step-by-step way to gather a full understanding of the subject before we reach any conclusions about public policy.
Some good bills at the end of session
The end of the legislative session is a time when bills that are not controversial can still make it across the finish line. There were five bills that I was particularly pleased to help over the finish line in the waning days of the session. Governor Patrick signed all of these bills, so they are now law.
Parcel 13 Next Steps
After a full process, Mass DOT awarded the Parcel 13 contract to Peebles Corp. The Peebles bid was most consistent with existing zoning and also, I understand, favorable financially. Just a quick note on the procedure from here, from an outline provided by MassDOT.
No More Robo Calls
As a politician, I have not been above the occasional robo call, but as a consumer, I get how annoying they are. The Boston Globe recently did a story on a service offered through which causes robo calls not to ring through to your house. We’ve signed up for it at our house and it seems to work well.