Transgender Access to Public Accommodations

The legislature will consider this year legislation to complete the work we started a couple of years ago to provide full legal protection to transgender people. The main unfinished business is to prohibit discrimination in access to public accommodations. I view this legislation as simple and necessary and fully support it. I am a cosponsor and I have long been a supporter of this legislation.

Later Hours for Bars?

I’ve received questions about Senate 127, An Act Modernizing the Business Licensing Process (and the identical House companion bill, House 161). I was pleased to sponsor this bill for the Mayor, because I think it will help some of the city’s neighborhoods become more vital, while at the same time continuing to allow other neighborhoods to express their preferences for less activity.

The Education Aid Conversation for FY17

Over the next few weeks, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will finalize the data underlying the Chapter 70 education aid distribution for next year and begin to explore options for tweaking the distribution formula. Over the past few years, I’ve been particularly concerned to influence the Chapter 70 formula to address the shortfall that Watertown has experienced.

Traffic on Blanchard Road North

I’m very concerned about the numbers of large trucks and trailers that pass through the narrow single lane stretch of Blanchard just before the intersection at Concord Ave. This is a densely populated area occupied by multi-families homes with children on each side of the road. If we let this pattern continue, the safety and quality of the neighboring residents will be at risk.