2.0 degrees from pre-industrial levels — 1 to 1.5 from todays level — is a ceiling that some world organizations have viewed as troubling, but livable.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
How do emissions breakdown by country?
On a straight carbon dioxide emission basis, the United States accounted for 24.0% of emissions, highest in the world, and was 5th highest per capita in 2000 (only exceeded by Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain).
How well are the European nations doing at reducing carbon?
European nations have suceeded in achieving a slight reduction in carbon emissions by switching from coal to gas for power generation. Overall, their energy use is actually increasing.
How do emissions break down by activity?
Available statistics allow an analysis of carbon emissions by broad type of economic activity.
How much renewable energy are we actually using?
Currently, the only renewable energy source which contributes a meaningful portion of the nation’s and Massachusetts energy supply is hydropower.
How much energy does the United States import?
About 1/3 of the United States total energy consumption of approximately 100 quadrillion BTUs (“quads”) is imported, up from less than 1/5 in 1973. Most of our net imports were petroleum. We import roughly 2/3 of our petroleum consumption.