I’ve had conversations with several friends in the Benton library area in Belmont who have sought my advice about how to interact with the town as the town decides what to do with the property.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Ed Reform Update
The House moved forward a version of the education reform bill last night. There is plenty of coverage of the issue in the newspapers, but here is a perspective from the floor.
Transparency as the best policy
There is a deep and passionate conversation going among legislators right now around the issue of transparency. There is a growing group of legislators who feel that the legislature needs to change the way it manages its own business.
Education Reform — the House Version
House leadership has released the draft of the education bill that will appear on the floor next week. The bill is focused on reforms in schools with low test scores. The voices that represent the affected communities speak in unison in calling for these reforms and — subject to hearing new concerns over the next few days — I expect to hear their call and support the bill.
Wellington Language Issue Resolved
On Tuesday, the Governor signed into law a bill eliminating any question about the exemption from Proposition 2.5 of the Wellington School bond issue. I am extremely grateful to the Governor, to my colleagues in the House, and to Senator Tolman and his colleagues in the Senate for moving the bill through so quickly.
Possibility of Early Retirement Incentives
Further below see a proposal made by the Arlington Education Association for an early retirement incentive ERI for teachers. I think this concept deserves some careful study.