Coal Free Massachusetts

I’ve recently received a number of emails in the form further below, urging me to cosponsor legislation filed by my colleague, Lori Ehrlich, to transition away from coal burning in Massachusetts. I am already one of the original group of cosponsors of this legislation. Coal is a dirty fuel, contributing heavily to local and regional …

Education Aid in the Governor’s Budget

The Governor, in his fiscal 2014 budget, has proposed to finally complete the education aid reform initiated in 2006. This is extremely good news for Watertown — Watertown had, for years, been badly short-changed by the failure to fully implement the 2006 reforms. Belmont also benefits, although more modestly, from the reform.The Governor uses a …

Governor expands the options

Last week, the Governor proposed a substantial income tax rate increase, and so focused political attention — positive and negative — on that simple and controversial proposition. In fact, however, he placed before the legislature a broad package which raises three major questions: First, should we make a substantial increase in spending on our transportation …