Boston Strong — March with Will in Boston’s Pride Parade

Next Saturday, June 8, at noon, Boston’s annual pride parade will start with a moment of silence at the site of the Marathon bombing. Please come march with me in support of American liberty and freedom.  It’s one of the biggest events of the year in Boston. Please RSVP to, 617-610-4913.  We’re meeting at …

Tobacco Taxation

I’ve recently received some correspondence along the following lines: Dear Senator William Brownsberger: Please vote no on an ACROSS THE BOARD tobacco tax increase. Smokeless tobacco does not pose the same health threats and general repugnancy as do cigarettes (with the exception of spittoons as ground litter.). Cigarette smoke affects lungs(aerobic fitness potential, etc.), nearby …

Daly Field Hearing, May 30

Passing on a notice from the Department of Conservation and Recreation:  Department of Conservation a­nd Recreation Commonwealth of Massachusetts LISTENING SESSION DALY FIELD COMPLEX LEASING & RENOVATION PROPOSAL Thursday, May 30, 2013 Community Rowing Boathouse 20 Nonantum Road, Brighton, MA 6:30pm to 8:00pm  At this meeting, DCR will hear from community residents on their interests …

Senate Ways and Means Budget Released.

The Senate Ways and Means Committee released its budget draft for Fiscal 2014 today. It shaves total formula local aid  overall just slightly, but some communities that have historically been shortchanged, notably Watertown, do a little better.  In addition to making adjustments in the main local aid accounts it fully funds the special education circuit …