The Senate has acted on Senate 2246, which is intended to respond to the Supreme Judicial Court’s decision in the Diatchenko case.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
What’s with H.4185 (“an act relative to net metering and solar power”)?
As the session winds down, there is a lot of confusion in the solar energy market — major regulatory policies are in flux.
MBTA Pension Transparency: Update
I’ve had to change my approach to achieving transparency at the MBTA’s pension fund. It’s been a long struggle, but I think we now have an approach that is going to work.
Study of Logan Noise in Belmont
Massport has installed a noise monitor at a home in Belmont in March, and here is a Belmont Noise Monitoring Report that presents the results of those measurements–including an analysis of which noise events correlate with plane overflights (according to radar).
Elements of the July 2 Non-compete Amendment
This compromise non-compete language from the July 2 Senate bill is not law at this time — it is currently under negotiation in a House/Senate conference committee.
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Cathy and Stan Rezendes in Arlington asked me to pass on the following statement: As outlined in the Boston Globe article on April 13, 2014, the executive director of PBGC has stated: “Unless Congress acts–more than 1 million people will lose their pension”. Further, “if Congress allows the PBGC to get the money and authority …