Update regarding 73 Service

Many are waiting for answers regarding the perceived deterioration of 73 service. I had the occasion to get an informal response from the MBTA on this issue today: MBTA staff have reviewed your comments at this website. They have received my letter further conveying concerns. They agree that there has been a meaningful deterioration of …

Belmont-Trapelo Corridor Project — FAQ

When are we going to repave Belmont Street and Trapelo Road? The project took a decade to get underway, but it finally started last fall.  The contractor is working through the winter installing new storm drainage grates and piping. The goal for 2014 is to complete paving from the Waltham line to the west side of …

Overview of the Governor’s Budget

Quite appropriately, Governor Patrick’s Fiscal 2015 budget continues and extends the priorities he has defined together with the legislature over the past 8 years.  It does not propose major new initiatives. Total proposed Fiscal 2015 budgetary spending is $36.4 billion — up $1.7 billion or 4.9% over projected Fiscal 2014 budgetary spending.  This growth is …