Fear and Loathing in the Big Dig

Hi Will — I will be honest with you, the front page Globe article on the lights in the new central artery/harbor tunnels scared the bejezus out of me. Not so much because of the thousand-pounds of lights hanging precariously over my head every time I go to the airport, but moreso the final comment of the …

Support for Brewers request to change Distributor laws

Hi Will – just a note to let you know that I support the bill, filed by Rep. John Binienda, of Worcester,  that would exempt small brewers from the laws protecting wholesalers in MA. The law was written at a time when there were only two or three brewers in the market. Since that time, …

Rt 128 N Merge at Rt 2 W – Commuters North – There’s got to be a better way….

Dear Will – it was nice getting to meet you at Town Day – also great to get a chance to discuss the library. Unfortunately, I’m writing on another topic — like many Belmonters, I commute out to 128 on a daily basis. In my case I head North in the morning and south in …

Off Topic – How’d the national debt get so huge?

Interesting study – see the original document (quick read, 8 pages, simple-to-understand, good graphics) at: http://www.pewtrusts.org/uploadedFiles/wwwpewtrustsorg/Fact_Sheets/Economic_Policy/drivers_federal_debt_since_2001.pdf How’d the national debt get so huge? In 2001, the Congressional Budget Office forecast that the nation’s publicly-held debt would be eliminated by 2006, and a surplus of $2.3 trillion would have accumulated by now. Instead, the federal government is now …

Two Approaches to Traffic Safety (or Revenue Generation — take your pick)

[from the NMA newsletter] This is a tale of two cities and how they approach their traffic safety responsibilities. As the newsletter title intimates, Roseville (California) and Chevy Chase Village (Maryland) represent a contrast of law enforcement philosophies. Let’s start with Roseville. Former Sacramento City Manager Ray Kerridge moved into that same role with Roseville …

Off Topic — Roundbout or Circle Feedback (Road Safety)

Not  a current concern, but just some educational feedback from a group I belong to Roundabout Feedback Thanks to all who responded to our informal survey about roundabouts in last week’s e-newsletter. We have received close to 200 opinions, most from drivers who are quite experienced with roundabouts, both in the United States and overseas. Responses …