Once again AFTER the election Deval Patrick wants to give ILLEGAL immigrants a discount on going to college here in Massachusetts. Lets not forget that these ILLEGAL immigrants have gotten a free education for up to 12 years from the taxpayers, and that’s not enough? not to mention the years of free food, housing, while they …
Author Archives: Jim Lenkauskas
Obama’s aunt, Illegals Impact
Is there ANY doubt that Illegals are drawn here? In yellowStone national park there is a HUGE fine for feeding the animals because they will always seek free food, living etc… Why would you would you blame this person for taking a handout? and then telling his/her friends from all over to come share in the …
Trip to NH
While on a trip to NH to look for a “new address” I stopped at BJ’s Wholesale in Nashua. I actually had a hard time finding a NH license plate! 8 out of 10 were MA Plates doing there shopping in tax free NH! Nashua was PACKED! all those people with jobs catering to MA …
What’s your limit Will?
“I personally remain prepared to go further and increase the gas tax to better fund both roads and transit infrastructure.” You voted for the sales tax, you voted to Tax the Tax on beer and wine(ya that’s right! you taxed a tax!) What won’t you tax? Should I just sign over my check to you? …
I wonder
Will the legislature reverse this rediculous sales tax increase once they realize they have caused the loss of jobs? as long as they get the free lunches, per diem’s, staff that (publiuc has no right to know about) 2010 , I hope the people of massachusetts say ENOUGH !