Animal protection bills co-sponsored by Senator Brownsberger this session

Animal protection is an important issue for Senator Brownsberger and for the 2015-2016 legislative session he has signed on as a co-sponsor to the following bills relative to that issue.

SD1735/HD1323: An Act to protect the health and safety of animals in cars

HD1521: An Act relative to the treatment of elephants

HD1935: An Act to prevent trafficking in ivory and rhino horns

SD902: An Act protecting abandoned animals in vacant properties

SD982: An Act relative to dogs and home owner insurance

SD1231: An Act strengthening the enforcement of certain dog laws

HD497: An Act to ensure adequate care of animals in cities and towns

HD466: An Act to ensure continued humane animal care and protect family farms in MA

SD648: An Act to prohibit trafficking in ivory and rhino horns

HD2007: An Act to ensure proper stewardship of honey bees by the Commonwealth

SD974: An Act to protect puppies and kittens


Barbara Miranda

Chief of Staff