I just want to say that as a frequent commuter from Belmont to 95N via Rt 2W, that the diversion of traffic from the Haden ave on-ramp temporarily utilizing the breakdown lane for northbound 95 traffic has worked out beautifully.
This is probably the best traffic flow we’ve ever had at this important intersection.
It creates a natural flow for northbound AM traffic and a longer “runway” for slower southbound traffic. I would venture to say that traffic is flowing better now with one lane closed off than it ever has in the past. I suggested this a long time ago and was told it would (literally) take an act of congress to get this implemented. I guess Congress gives waivers for construction, but wouldn’t it just be grand if we could have this sensible, logical, functional ramp implementation even after we get back the missing left hand lane?
We can only dream……..But I suspect that’s all it is…a dream…
We’ll look into it again. I know exactly what you mean. It makes a lot of sense — I’ve seen what you are talking about.
MassDOT was able to provide the following analysis of the traffic at the Westbound Route 2/128 interchange:
The traffic analysis reflects a slightly worse level of service under the current layout. I have asked MassDOT to provide a deeper analysis of the construction configuration
Andrew Bettinelli
Legislative Aide
Office of State Senator William N. Brownsberger
Clearly, there are days when the current configuration will be worse than the original configuration — you’re missing a lane — so that’s only natural – for it to come even close is a miracle, a miracle that would translate to significantly better service if we keep the configuration for Rt 128 N once the missing lane is restored.
A further update from MassDOT regarding Rich’s suggestion:
Andrew Bettinelli
Legislative Aide
Office of State Senator William N. Brownsberger
We are continuing to inquire on this Rich. I do understand your point fully, having driven it recently. I am not sure why we don’t want to keep it open.